
  • Post time: Jun-24-2020

    “Chengyus” are a type of traditional Chinese idioms which consists of four characters. They were commonly used in ancient Chinese literature and are still widely used in spoken Chinese. Though only four characters, Chengyus often have a deep meaning behind them and is interwoven with the moral co...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-23-2020

    The Chinese word for sport is 运动 (yùn dòng). Literally this means motion movement and also means exercise. Another common word for sports in Chinese is 体育 tǐyù.   Sports in Chinese – The 球’s (qiú) One keyword that appears in many sports is ball – in Chinese 球 (qiú). Let’s take a ...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-22-2020

    If you enjoy the happening atmosphere of big and rapidly growing cities, then China is the place to come. Feel the buzz of the urbanization rush in the fastest developing country in the history of the planet. If you visit China, you could experience the excitement of life in some of the most dens...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-19-2020

    As it becomes easier to communicate, travel, and do business across country borders; it is an uncontroversial statement that knowing languages can give you an edge in your career. As the Chinese economy is continuing it’s rapid growth, and Chinese businesses are looking abroad for more opportunit...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-18-2020

    To express “even more,” (as in “even more expensive”, “even more ridiculous”), you can use 更 (gèng). 更 (gèng) generally comes before adjectives.   Basic Usage The pattern in Chinese is simple: Structure: 更 + Adj. Note that this pattern is not simply a way of...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-17-2020

    Literally, 掩耳盗铃 (yǎn ěr dào línɡ) means “Plug One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell”. The stupid action of the thief tells us: It is impossible to cover up something that is obvious. One can’t deceive himself by burying his head in the sand.   One upon time, a thief went to steal ...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-16-2020

    In terms of area, China is the third largest country in the world, but it is the world’s largest based on population. China is divided into 23 provinces, 22 of which are controlled by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The 23rd province, Taiwan, is claimed by the PRC, but it is not...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-09-2020

    The Happy Birthday Song has a strangely contested history. The tune was originally composed in the late 1800s by Patty and Mildred Hill, though the lyrics were not the same. In fact, the Hill sisters titled the song “Good Morning To All.” Somewhere along the way, the phrase “hap...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-08-2020

    The weather is getting warmer and summer vacations come closer! Do you already have plans for a trip this summer? Here are some useful sentences for you how to talk about your summer vacation in Chinese.   你如何度过暑假?(nǐ rúhé dùguò shǔjià) = How will you spend your summer vacation? 度过...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-05-2020

    Colors are important to Chinese culture because they are connected with meanings. The three main colors considered lucky in people’s daily lives as well as on special occasions are red, yellow, and green. Red — Happiness, Success and Good Fortune Red represents fire and is the most popular...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-04-2020

    When we want to express “to do something as one pleases,” we can use the “想 (xiǎng) verb 就 (jiù) verb” pattern.   Basic Pattern This structure is similar to how we would say in English, “whatever I want to eat, I eat” or, “wherever I want to go, I ...Read more »

  • Post time: Jun-03-2020

    Today’s idiom 熟能生巧 (shú nénɡ shēnɡ qiǎo) tells us that skills come by exercise; practice makes perfect or with familiarity you will learn the trick.   In the Northern Song Dynasty, a man named Chen Yaozi was very good at archery. At that time, everyone knew that he was a good archer, so ...Read more »